managing the produce

DSC_0013My vegetable garden is in full production this time of year, and I’ve come up with some strategies to not waste a bit of it.Tomatoes, Pillows, L & T Homecoming 001Tomato pie is a favorite. It gets a layer of goo over it before I cook it, but that wasn’t a pretty picture.Dill veggies, apple crisp, kitchen 022Green beans, daikon, and cucumbers all get thrown into the same brine. I don’t trust my canning skills, so I just put them into the fridge. I also toss hot peppers into an empty jar of pepperoncini (save the brine). This preserves them until we get around to eating them.DSC_0059I make pesto out of the basil and freeze what I don’t use.

Salsa and IngredientsI keep a big bowl of salsa in the fridge all season long. We eat it with pizza, eggs, pasta AND Mexican food.DSC_0036Lastly, I just chop it all up to add to salads, sandwiches & cooking. Whatever’s left over gets frozen and added to soup in the fall. What do you do to manage the produce?

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